Linux Install Guide🔗
This is a series of guidelines for installing the OpenSAFELY CLI on Linux as opposed to concrete steps.
This is partly because:
- various Linux distributions have different ways of installing software
- it is assumed that you are comfortable enough with your Linux installation enough to make appropriate installation decisions yourself
Installing Python🔗
Your system package manager may already have a recent version of Python 3 installed. That version may be sufficient for installing OpenSAFELY.
You can check via PyPI what versions of Python are currently supported. Check the "Requires" information on the package page.
Alternatively, you can use pyenv to install and manage additional Python versions.
Installing Docker🔗
There are multiple ways you can install Docker:
- your distribution's package manager may have a version of Docker Engine available, though this may be slightly older than the current version that Docker offer themselves
- Docker themselves provide up-to-date package repositories for installing Docker Engine
- Docker offer Docker Desktop for Linux.
Docker Desktop does have license restrictions for some commercial use. Check Docker's license agreement.
Installing the OpenSAFELY CLI🔗
It is useful to use pipx to install Python applications.
pipx installs Python software into a Python virtual environment. pipx allows you to isolate Python package installations for different software, and still easily run that software.
Install the OpenSAFELY CLI with pipx:
pipx install opensafely
If you installed a newer version of Python than available on your system via pyenv, you may want to install the OpenSAFELY CLI using that specific Python version.
You may do this via a command of the form:
pipx install opensafely --python ~/.pyenv/shims/python3.10
The actual Python version might vary.
Test the installation of OpenSAFELY CLI. This should print out the usage and available sub commands:
$ opensafely --help
usage: opensafely [-h] [--version] COMMAND ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
available commands:
help Show this help message and exit
run Run project.yaml actions locally
Commands for interacting with
You're done!
Now you can navigate to a research repo on your local machine,
and use opensafely
via the command line.